13 Myths We Should Stop Believing and Start Living


In proving a point, we have stopped living. Below is the list of 13 myths we should stop believing and start living.

1. We have all the time

Procrastination is a thing we all are aware of. The time we waste in not doing things we want adds one day to the life we don’t want. We know the fact that every day we are losing one day to reach where we want to. Instead of living with regrets, we should spend our life doing things we desire, with the people who matter, on things that make us content. 

2. The perfect retirement plan

Yes, most of us think like that and if not about retirement plans, we always wait for perfect plans for even small trips. We all know the one fact that life is uncertain. The pandemic has made us more aware of this fact. 

3. Money is a priority and not family

We know the very fact that money can’t buy us everything. Money can get fulfil your needs, buy you luxury and comfort. Happiness is somewhere beyond money. With the family, children, your spouse, father, mother. You can have enough money all your life but you can’t have them all your life. 

4. It’s late to learn something

Now, who decides the ideal time to learn something or do something. Learning is a lifelong process and we learn every day many things that we even don’t realize. No matter if what you learning is not important to others. If it is important to you, go ahead. People waste so much time and do not care. So, if you have any strong interest and desire to learn, don’t think twice. 

5. It’s late to mend your relationship

We fight and we reconcile. Sometimes we don’t reconcile because we have put up so much ego, we don’t apologize, we don’t want to be the first one to talk. Even sometimes we wish to talk or feel to end this, our ego doesn’t allow us. We all might have one relationship that has become sour but deep inside, we don’t want it that way. In all this, at both ends, the difference stays. This can happen in friendships, relationships, and even in a family. We all assume things but we don’t take a step to mend things. Sometimes we never know that the other person wishes to mend things. Also, there is no need to live with the burden, you should always try and at least from your side to mend your relationships. 

6. Your past won’t let you move ahead

There is no one who is free from committing mistakes, failures, guilt, sorrow, loss of loved ones, and other hardships. We all have felt the feeling at some similar or some different situations. It seems difficult but not impossible to move ahead. We can always and everyone can always move ahead with life. You don’t have to take the burden all your life. Life is too short to carry the burden of the past and there are endless things to experience.

7. You are dependent on some one…

Everything goes on…and people accommodate even with the loss and absence of the person who once seems irreplaceable at one point in time. Sometimes we have to be selfish for our inner desire and wishes. We have to focus on the things we want. 

8. There is something Ideal

The Ideal myth is something that stops many of us from achieving things we desire, things we love and we want. We all wait for things to get ideal and perfect which pauses our chances of getting success. There’s no harm in failure, no harm in imperfect plans but there is the harm in living the ideal myth.

9. You’re too busy with everything

It’s a myth that we are too busy, the truth is we always have time for things and people that we consider important. It is sometimes an excuse as well that we don’t have time. No one can be too busy to live is as simple as that. If things are really important to us we definitely can have time. 

10. You have to be rich first

There is not enough money and not even for a billionaire. The want for more never ends. We think that we have to be rich to be happy but we have to be content with whatever we have to live. You cant skip living in a quest to become rich first. Instead you can earn more, live more, enjoy more, and all throughout your journey. You have to be content and start living. 

11. Complaints

Everyone has a bucket of things that make you sad, people who make you feel not good enough, situations that make you helpless. We all have complaints about life, people and things but do we have to live in it or we should move ahead. You can live withholding complaints in your head. 

12. Social Media is an integral part of life

Social media has become an important part of our life and we felt handicapped when we are not connected. A slower internet connection or a social networking website down makes us impatient, restless and irritate us. Can you remember the time or place where you didn’t felt the need to check your social media feeds without someone forcing you to do so? It happens less but it actually makes you happy and it makes you realize that social media is just a part of life and there is much more to life. 

13. Approval of people

You don’t have to seek approval from others for your life. It’s a myth that you have to take the approval of everyone for your choices. If you are content, confident, and happy with your life choices then start living without expecting anyone’s approval.
