13 Reasons Why People Fail


We know people who achieved success and changed their circumstances against all odds. There are many who are full of dreams and passions who fails. We only know about the failure of the people who failed but we never thought that why they might have failed. There are 13 reasons why people fail.

1. Lack of persistence/Quit

Many times, we wish for things but it takes a lot of hard work and effort to achieve them. Most people either quit too early or are not persistent towards their goal. When we don’t take daily steps, timely evaluation of our efforts, overcoming the barriers, we can’t succeed. When we are not persistent towards our goal, we fail.

2. Lack of conviction

We have a strong desire at first but slowly when it demands effort and commitment from our side, we keep on hiding from it and involve in other things. No matter if your efforts are giving results or not but at the least you should attempt. You should believe in your dreams and yourself first. Being sceptical at the very beginning and not even making attempts shows that you yourself are not convinced in your dreams and ultimately results in failure.

3. Excuses

Most people are always under the shield of excuses. They have excuses for everything. We can either keep success or excuses. Everyone has their part of the struggle but overcoming them is where success comes and sticking to excuses where one fails.

  • I have not started this because I have….
  • I would start next month because….
  • This year I am already….
  • It is because I don’t have support and….
  • You don’t know how many things I am dealing with…
  • It’s easy for others but not me because…

4. Self-awareness/ your mistakes

The journey of success is not only about achieving our dreams. It many times teaches us great life lessons. The only thing is that we have to be self-aware and also we have to realize where we are making mistakes and corrective actions required. We have to learn from our mistakes and have to overcome them rather than getting demotivated and quit.

5. Self-esteem/ego

The fear of failure and would affect your self-esteem and ego. People fear that they would feel embarrassed if they fail and their failure would be a topic of discussion for their people. For a few, they are too proud to let someone know that they can fail and they don’t even try.

6. Fate

People overlook the hard work and effort a person has put on to become successful and just credit their fate. They are never able to see their faith in the capabilities. It’s not about fate but faith which will take one ahead. People who believe in anyone’s success or failure as an act of fate are definitely going to fail.

7. Living in THE IDEAL MYTH

When we want things too perfect and too ideal to begin. People expect and wait for the best situation and best time to begin. It is a myth to expect that when all the things would be ideal and as per us, we can begin. The people who wait for the ideal things, the ideal time and the ideal circumstances tend to fail.

8. Being too pessimistic

Sometimes we may not be completely sure that all the things that we are deciding and planning would go as we have planned. All that we forecasted would result as we have thought. It is okay to consider all the factors about the probability of the situation not working in our favour. But being too pessimistic is one thing that would lead to the person not been able to make an attempt. He would never be able to make an attempt and also it is not at all a crime to fail. Not even once, even if you fail after multiple attempts, it won’t make you a bad person. It is better to have a failed attempt than no attempt.

9. No Investment in learning and development 

People always keep the priority last and the unnecessary things on their primary list. Learning is continuous and there is always room for more development. We don’t have to be rigid and always have to be open to new ideas and methods. People who are always stuck to the traditional idea and are not open to new learning, ideas and are keen to change often fails.

10. lack of accountability

Sometimes working independent and being self-employed, we miss the accountability and waste a lot of time as we are not accountable to anyone and we don’t have to report to anyone. The pressure of completing the task and urgency is missing. If we desire something, we have to provide time for learning, allot time for working on it, setting up a list of tasks, keeping deadlines and becoming self-accountable. 

11. Circumstances

Everyone has different circumstances and all have their own struggles. We can’t claim that it is easy for others and feeling yourself victimized of all the circumstances. Till the time one has an excuse of circumstances, you can’t move ahead. There are people who have risen up fighting all the odds. 

12. Emotional barrier 

At one stage, a person struggling to achieve his dreams becomes very vulnerable. There are things that make him fear and becomes a barrier to move ahead. He lives in fear and is emotionally caught up with the fear of losing

  • What if he is not able to succeed? 
  • What if he fails and his investment of time, money, choice of discarding a safe option will lead him to a life of poverty? 
  • The guilt of not being able to live up to the expectations of the family?
  • The growing disappointment in the face of loved ones at each and every failed attempt?

13. No action

There are many people who have talent, knowledge, capability and everything that needs to convert an idea into success. One thing that is more important than everything is to take timely action and steps. There are many people with brilliant ideas and business plans but the person who takes the initiative and dares to put his plan into action gets success. Despite having everything, many people fail because they take no action.

If you have anything to add or any thought, do write in the comment section.
