13 Simple Habits for Healthy Lifestyle


1. Planning your meal

It is equally important to eat the right food at right time. We can make a weekly plan for what to eat, what to include, what to exclude. We have our breakfast in a rush, have a late dinner and 

2. Walking

This is the one thing that is undoubtedly the most simple and easy but most effective thing we can include in our lifestyle. An early morning walk can not only make a great start to the day but comes with more advantages once you begin practicing it.


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3. Quit

We all have things that at least one thing we know and we want to quit but we are not able to quit. Take a chance and begin with quitting for a week and you can feel like a little achievement. Quitting smoking, Cutting down Caffeine, Drinking, 

4. Sleep

Sleep is one of the neglected things for most people and mostly for the young generation. Proper sleep highly impacts the health and body of an individual. 

5. Juice/fruit instead of caffeine

Most of us are addicted to tea and coffee that we can’t do without them. Even if not quitting it completely, you can just reduce the number of intakes and switch it with good juices or lime water and even with green tea.

6. Take time to talk

With physical health, mental health is also very important. A physically fit person may not be necessarily mentally strong. With the competitive environment, race to earn, achieve has led to stress, anxiety and even depression in many cases. One simple thing you can do is you can take the time to talk. Talk to the people for whom you are running day and night. Your parents, your spouse, your children, your brother, your sister, your friend. You don’t have to vent out your troubles but a casual time taken out may get you a sense of peace. 

7. Don’t starve…eat the right food

We do see many examples of body shaming and fat shaming around us. We all crave a perfect body. For a perfect body, we often diet and let say not diet but we starve ourselves. We wish to lose pounds in a very short span. Instead of starving, if we can just plan our meals and eat the right food, we can get a healthy as well as a better shape.

8. Drink plenty of water and keep a count

Drinking plenty of water has a long list of benefits to listing down. It helps in losing weight, increases metabolism, keeps you hydrated, helps digestion and many more. A simple habit of keeping a count on your daily water intake helps you keep hydrated and helps you in getting benefits of it.

9. Use stairs when you can 

With a busy schedule, many of us do not have the time to go to gyms and workouts. If we can mere do a simple thing of using stairs in office or anywhere we have time and alternative available instead of lifts or elevators. It seems simple but helps in losing weight, increases your endurance and muscle strength.

10. Weigh yourself once a week

Sometimes we don’t realize until and unless someone comments or information that we have gained weight. You can buy a reliable body weighing machine that helps you to keep a track of your body weight. A weighing machine acts as an alert that signals you when you are crossing a line of healthy body weight. You don’t have to weigh yourself daily but once a week, a pre-determined time, day and clothing you can fix to get the best results. 

11. Get a smartwatch

How a watch can help you in improving your health? Yes, it definitely can. A smartwatch is not just about telling time or a fancy device that connects you with your mobile phone. It has many more functions like a fitness tracker. I have personally used few smartwatches and I felt like that someone is pushing me, reminding me of my targets. I started with a goal of 6000 steps of walk daily and then increased my target to 10000 steps. The day I am not able to fulfil the target, I feel like I have not succeeded in my fitness goal and the day I complete it, I feel accomplished. It seems simple and unextraordinary but it sure helps. Just try once.

12. Read

If you’re already an avid reader then there is no need to explain that how reading helps you in reducing stress and is a relaxing feeling. 

13. Listen to Podcasts

Many of us may not be able to find proper time to read even if we are willing to. Listening to a podcast is also a very relaxing thing that can be done. The benefit of listening to a podcast is that you can listen to it at any place, time and your convenience. There are many famous books, biographies, special motivational podcasts of authors are there.

If you have something to add to the list, kindly share it in the comment section
