13 Things Money Can’t Buy


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Money is not only one of the important things but it is essential. It is essential to survive. It has its benefits but it cannot always get you everything. There are still things that can’t be traded and those are the things that money can’t buy. Below are the 13 things money can’t buy.

Sometimes we feel that we can buy even these things but if you think you can buy, it is nothing just a myth. It is a fact that not having enough money can impact your happiness but it surely cannot guarantee happiness if you have enough. 

1. Respect

Respect is something which neither one can demand nor one can have on request. People being courteous towards you and people having respect for you is two different things. The feeling of respect is felt internally

2. Peace- Mental & Inner

Sometimes all we are looking for is peace. It is a myth that if we get rich, we can live a peaceful life. Being rich would only help you in not worrying about the payments of bills and needs. It is you who have to make out that how you can get peace but one thing is for sure that only money can’t get you.

3. Loyalty

Loyalty cannot be bought with any amount of money but it is earned by your deeds. You can’t expect to be someone to be loyal for a fixed amount of consideration.

4. True Friendship

Apart from family, some people who stand in all odds are your true friends. We all have one friend who is not affected by our failures. Who visits only when in need but makes a visit when you are in a need? They might not discuss all your problems but their visit still helps you. They are only a few and you cannot have dozens of friends like that. And the friends who just show up in your highs cannot be your friends. 

5. Satisfaction

There is also a myth about enough money. We claim to earn a certain amount of money and then we will be satisfied. Once we reach the level, our desire to have more grows and we even couldn’t make out. One can’t find satisfaction in money but can find it in work, deeds, achievements, respect. 

6. Family

They say family stands by you in every odd and it is a very blissful thing to have people in the family who shows faith in your decision and also stays when things fail to work. A father goes to any extent to fulfil the needs of his child, a mother’s love and care is something no tool can measure. There are more in the family i.e. brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents. The reason that binds them all is not money but the bond of love. You can’t expect that bond with any amount of money in the world. 

7. Trust

You can’t buy trust or even can’t pay someone to trust you. It is based on your character and your deeds which creates a sense of trust in someone or for someone.

8. Time

Not even the richest person in the world can buy time. With every day passed, it is a day spent from the limited days we all have. No one can buy one additional day for him or any loved ones. They say spent each day as it is the last day. So, savor the moment and live life. 

9. Your child’s childhood

We all know this will never come back. Also, there is nothing that can substitute the feeling of seeing your child grow. One shouldn’t strain on other things at an expense of missing to witness their children grow. No amount of money or wealth can get back the feeling.

10. A Home

The difference between a house and a home is the people living in it. A father, mother, brother, sister, wife, kids, grandfather, grandmother and the people you love. A 5 Star hotel or a penthouse may not be sometimes given you the satisfaction of just staying with the family. You can buy luxury alone but to make a house you need a family.

11. Experiences

Few things are better felt than bought or learned from others. One can see the videos or pictures of places but the real experience is felt when you visit the place. 

12. Health

You can be carefree hire, people, to take care of your house, drive your car or do your work but you can’t hire someone to take medicine when you’re sick. You have to 

13. Love

The people who love you would love for who you are not for how much money you have. It is even true that nobody would like to end up with someone who is not pragmatic and 

Money is important but it is not everything. One shouldn’t miss out on the other important things in life.
