13 Things We Expect To Be Ideal But It is an Ideal Myth


We struggle for ideal circumstances but it is a myth that there can be something like an ideal. There can be right and there can be wrong but is there anything we can expect as ideal?

We seek for ideal things and ideal circumstances in a world which is divided into countries, religion, ethnicity, caste and state. In the persistence to seek Ideal things and Ideal situation, we stop celebrating the things we have and savour the present moment.

We expect our partners to be ideal or perfect

We expect our job or business to be ideal

Ideal Myth is about the myth of our expectation of Ideal things and circumstances. It is not less than a Myth to expect something Ideal.

We wait for the situation, time to be ideal but It is a myth that there could be anything ideal. There are 13 things that we expect to be ideal but it is an Ideal Myth

1. Life

One of the biggest myth is to seek for an ideal life. I have seen people seeking for an ideal life. They envy the life of others and repent the things they have. Everyone has their struggles to deal with. We struggle for money, health, love and so many things. There is struggle always but can’t expect things perfect. The struggle doesn’t mean suffering as well. 

2. Friendship

There is no need to explain much about it. We all have friends who are not all alike us and all perfect. Most of the times we know their ill-habits but we don’t mind. We know sometimes they annoy but we don’t mind. The imperfection and the realness in the relationship are what we don’t want to change. If we try to change or make rules about it, the very existence of the friendship would cease to exist. The flawed or the imperfect piece of friendship we rather can’t expect to be ideal.

3. Relationship

Every relationship is special and fragile in its way but is there any relationship which has never been into an argument or part of small fights. Is there any form of relationship which do not goes through ups and downs, never part of misunderstanding, no fights, no reconcile. Father-son, Mother-daughter, Young couples or elderly couples, at some point of time there are disagreements and differences. But can they be ideal? No, they Can’t. 

So rather than expecting an ideal relationship, we should instead better understand the situation and should be keen to reconcile, forgive and empathize it. It might not make it ideal but strong.

4. Government

Government is run by individuals in groups and there cannot be everyone working with the same dedication or philosophy. Few Individuals wrongdoings cannot be exemplified as the face of the entire government as a sham. All fingers are not the same and we can’t them to be perfect. They might take some wrong decision and it is the right of its citizen to question them and needs to do in a civilized manner. Vandalism, violence and chaos like situation have now become common when any action of government is not acceptable. We can’t expect the government to be ideal and take perfect action all the time. 

5. Job

If we look up for a job which provides better satisfaction and satisfy our long term goals, then it’s good. But expecting an Ideal Job where you don’t have to worry once we have it is a myth. We start as a beginner and we progress to different roles and responsibilities, pay scales and promotions. As we progress, we may require switching our job for new opportunities, learning new skills and knowledge to keep up. 

6. Life Plans

Planning is necessary and one of the wise things to do. The question is all the planning in life works the way we plan. A well-earning job or business, marriage at 30, retirement at 50, one luxurious apartment, and many more things we plan. During the process of achieving it, we are spending the days, months and years of our life. Do we need to celebrate life when we have planned? No, we should celebrate or enjoy life when we find the opportunity to do so. 

7. Ideal Circumstances

If we plan to start something, it’s always necessary to begin at the right time when most of the things are into your favorable. But if we wait to start something for things to get entirely into your favorable situation, we might not be able to start ever. Every time there may something which might not be the way we expect. So, in the situation either we should wait all the time to get it the way we want or we can begin if we find capable to deal with the situation.

8. Opinions

Our opinions and thoughts are often based on the values, principles, beliefs and our past experiences. It can differ between different individuals, groups, community and nation too. There can be different opinions on a single subject and there can be no one completely right or may not be completely wrong. An ideal opinion ceases to exist and is a myth.

9. Income

The income we want today, may not be enough a few years later. At present, we might find our superior’s income ideal but once we reach it, we urge to have more. It is nowhere wrong to crave more but can we reach to an ideal point. With the increase in income, we raise our lifestyle and living standards. Rather than expecting an ideal income, we should focus on the right avenues of investment for wealth creation.

10. Society

We know we want it the most but it is only a desire to have the ideal society but the reality of the society today itself bust the myth of Ideal Society. Political instability, inequality, religious conflicts, poverty, the war between countries, all of these things is enough to discard the notion of the ideal society. 

11. Country

We all love the country where we are born and there is no doubt about it. Every citizen wishes for its country to be an ideal country which is free from any evils. 

12. Solutions

When we suggest solutions or recommend something, we take the situation as generic. However hard we try we cannot get into the shoes of the person dealing with it. There can be real solutions which work on the actual and real problems. One ideal solution can’t be there for all the things.

13. Age

We have self- imposed on ourselves an ideal age to study, to retire, to learn anything or start something. There’s no ideal age for anything if you have any desire to pursue. It’s never late to pursue any passion, it’s never late to start your own business, never late to get married or get rid of any unwanted relationship. 

The Ideal Myth is not about how things are not going to be perfect but instead, it is about how we shouldn’t waste our time getting perfect. In able to achieve or expecting ideal things, we stop living and savour the moment. It is completely alright to fail. There is no harm if you have made mistakes in life, you can begin now. Things would never be ideal but it is us who need to decide between all the chaos what is right for you and what’s not. 

If you have something to add on to the list, kindly share in the comment section

We expect ideal circumstances to pursue any passion.
