13 Things We Need to Admit to Ourselves


We live in constant fear of being judged by people. The fear is so much that we don’t follow our instincts and the things we desire. We have to admit certain things we believe and need to move on. Here is the list of 13 things that we need to admit to ourselves.

1. Things we do and we want to

Deep inside we have grown and we all have been equipped with the things we are supposed to do. We have been into jobs, business, career and a race for proving a point and getting acceptance from society. Between all the things there are things we want to do and things we love to do but we have side-lined them. We need to admit that those things are important to us and we need to follow those too.

2. Everything is going to change

Yes, everything is going to change and things would be as we wanted. We don’t have to give up or feel let down because of few things couldn’t work out. There are times when e all go through uncertain events, bad phases and life events which makes us feel unfortunate. We have to admit that the ups and downs are a part of life and everything would be going to change for the better.

3. We have a choice

In life, We all go through ups and downs in life, it sometimes feels that things are not in our hands. At times we start feeling that we are not capable enough to change the circumstances. The Truth is that we know that we have a choice but we sometimes fear admitting it. We always have and we do need to follow our inner instincts.

4. We do care

A person who claims that he is not affected by any criticism, loss or anything that affects them is a lie. We all are affected and we all get hurt sometimes. It’s okay to feel disappointed, it is okay to admit that you felt bad. You can express. You have to admit your feelings. There is nothing wrong with feeling that you care.

5. Money is important too

Money is not always about getting rich. For few, it is nothing more than having daily food at the table. To make the ends meet. Money can be financial security for some and also give their family a better life. We all want our family to be in a better situation than we ever did. It’s nothing wrong to consider money as an important part of life. If one has sacrificed some of their wishes or a holiday to earn more money then it doesn’t make them greedy.

6. It’s nobody’s fault

We often blame people, fate, circumstances and everyone else for the things that happen in life. Deep inside we know that everything that whatever happens, we always have a choice. We have the power to change our circumstances and take a step to choose the path of life. Our present circumstances are mostly the results of our past choices and our future outcome would be the result of the choices we make today.

7. Being Afraid is not a solution

We have to realize that failure, loss, emotional breakdown, and even death is a part of life. You should never feel disheartened by any failed or negative experience in life. It does affects and is a temporary phase in everyone’s life. You can’t put your life on a halt and hide. We have to admit that whatever the problem may be but being afraid is never a solution. You have to face it.

8. Things would never be Ideal

Waiting for an ideal situation, expecting an ideal relationship, ideal career, and also an ideal life is nothing but to live in a myth. To expect things to be ideal is an ideal myth. We have to admit that things would never be ideal but we have to choose things which are right for us.

9. We can’t make everyone happy

Everyone has an opinion and a suggestion to offer for another individual. At times, what we think the best choice for us would not be as satisfactory for others. Our family, friends, colleagues may be apprehensive about our choices and path. They might disagree and sometimes they may be genuinely worried too. It is sometimes difficult to make them understand. If you have faith in your choices then you don’t have to worry if not everyone is content. And when your choices prove your faith then ultimately everyone would be happy. If still, people have qualms, then you can’t make everyone happy and have to listen to your heart.

10. It’s never late

There would be never late to listen to your heart, follow your dreams, convey your feelings, and fulfilling your desires. If you feel worried about people judging you then for a moment just think for once that “are their judgments above your desires?” I am sure that you don’t have to think much ahead. It’s never late and nobody can decide the expiration of your desire by your age number. Dreams have no expiration date.

11. Mistakes are part of life

It happens. We all do make mistakes and we all have the right to be forgotten and move ahead. We have to admit that mistakes are a part of life and we don’t have to carry their guilt on our shoulders all the time.

12. Past is not taking us anywhere

We don’t have the power to change the past but the only thing we can do is to learn from our mistakes. Dwelling on the past and feeling victimized won’t make any difference to either present or future. Certain life events do bring a pause in our life but we have to move on. We have to admit that the past is not taking us anywhere and we do have to resume our lives and have to think of the future.

13. We have to own it

We all want to follow our hearts and we all want to make a choice. When we make a choice then we do have to admit that whatever life offers us in return is by the choices we made. We have to own it.

We have to admit the fact that we have one life and we have to listen to our hearts, follow our dreams and more importantly we have to live our life completely in it. Admit it, start living.

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