21 Times When Quitting is Good


Quitting is often served as something negative or an act of failure. There are times when it is not bad, times when it is the right thing to do and we can say that it is okay to quit. We have listed 21 times when quitting is good and it is a brave thing to quit.

1. Excuses

It is rightly said that we can either make excuses or we can make changes and results. It is a brave thing to quit making excuses and focus on getting results.

2. Taken for granted- one side relationship

There is nothing wrong with it if you wish to call it off. 

Few relationships are just creating unhappiness and discontent for you. The relationship where you are investing everything and neither your efforts are appreciated and nor your concerns are respected. It’s nothing wrong with discarding those people from your life who doesn’t care about your existence.

Rather than caring and wasting time on the people who don’t care about your existence, there is always someone who cares about you. Quit the relationships that take you for granted.

A friend who cares, a partner who understands you.

3. A no-growth job

When you have an alternative from a no-growth job, you can switch off or quit the no-growth job. You should quit even when the new job requires you to get out of your comfort zone but offers you opportunities.

4. Wrong destination

Sometimes we are doing things just because someone suggested it as the right thing to do. Inside we know that it is not something we want and not even sure of. There is no harm in quitting the journey of an unfamiliar destination.

5. Stop show-offs- quit doing things to show off

One thing that has no meaning is to show off and try to impress people through your materialistic possessions. A content person never feels the need to show off. It only shows your insecurity and craving for attention. 

6. Too much social media

I won’t say that you should quit social media and just do without it. It’s completely okay to use social media but at a point where it hampers your productivity, your work, personal life and professional life then you are supposed to make a call. You need to quit too much social media.

7. Unsolicited advice seriously

­­We all know that people are quite judgmental and have all the suggestions when it comes to giving it to someone else’s life. People advise you to lose weight, gain weight, get married, you can’t do business and you must…, it’s too late for you…

If you have faith in yourself and the things, you’re doing then you don’t have to heed the pieces of advice seriously. It is okay to quit taking the advice seriously.

8. Explain yourself

We often explain to people about our life, our choices, our decisions and all just to get approval from them. Deep inside we know the fact that even if we get the approval of the people, it doesn’t matter much. Sometimes in getting the approval of everyone, we failed to do what we want to do. In getting unanimity of people, we get lost in between. Thus, we should quit explaining to everyone and just for our own sake. 

9. Unhealthy lifestyle- gambling on health

Mostly when people are at a young age, health is one of the least things that bother them. One of the things in their mindset is that we won’t be affected. We don’t realize it until we saw someone actually suffering from health issues and that too because they chose a poor and unhealthy lifestyle. We should quit gambling with our life by adopting a healthy lifestyle. 

10. Running on the short-term race

It is good to live in the present but it is quite essential to do things that will benefit in long term. Moreover, It is not just about career only. It is also about relationships, health, financial planning, and. If it is not giving you long term benefits and satisfaction, you should quit. 

11. Expectations

We expect from people, our loved ones and when the expectations are not met, we felt hurt. Its nothing wrong with having expectations but it shouldn’t affect you. If people fail to live to our expectations, we shouldn’t complain or feel offended. The reason is if you feel offended or even when you complain about it, things wouldn’t change. We must always have realistic expectations from people who would keep it. You should quit having expectations from every next person in your life. 

12. Always available

When you are always available, you are either taken for granted or your importance becomes less. It is strange but a very true fact. Moreover, staying available for the people who just think of you when in need should be a completely foolish thing. Though sometimes we are just trying to be available all the time to show sincerity in the relationship it is not appreciated always. So, one should quit being always available at the cost of their self-respect.

13. Waiting for everyone’s approval

There is a point in everyone’s life that it becomes difficult for us to explain things to people. We look for approval from people and get lost in proving ourselves to them. It is sometimes not necessary that you can make everyone happy at the cost of your desires. So, it is better to quit proving people of your existence.

14. complaints

We have issues and complaints with people, friends, family and in relationships too. We can’t change everyone else’s behavior and their 

15. Procrastinating

The time you waste procrastinating is the time you spent doing things you don’t like. One thing that needs to be quit right now is procrastinating if you wish to change things or circumstances in your life. 

16. Being victim

The things that happen to us are the choices, actions and decisions of our own. We can’t blame others. There are moments when things do not turn up as we expected even after making sincere efforts. So, it doesn’t mean that we have to blame others and ourselves for feeling victimised. You have to quit feeling a victim all the time.

17. False Expectations

With few things and with few people, we know that we are keeping a false expectation and there is no meaning in keeping hope. It is better to quit expecting where you know that it is not worth enough.

18. Fear of failure

Between Dreams and success, there is a journey that goes through efforts, failures, motivation, disappointments, fear, doubts, and many things. It’s not always easy but it’s worth it. Fear of failure shouldn’t come in between beginning the journey. Even if you fail, you should attempt.    

19. Don’t be so hard

Trying to fit in everywhere, making an effort to make everyone happy, looking for approval, and trying to become someone they want you to be. It is okay. It still won’t be enough. Just be yourself. Don’t sacrifice yourself just to become someone you won’t feel happy about.

20. Being ungrateful

Sometimes we care less about the people who really care and be there at every need. We fail to acknowledge their worth in our life. 

21. Being selfish

We shouldn’t be so self-centered that we become unkind and do not give heed to the feelings of people around us. There’s no cost to being kind and we do can afford a simple act of kindness.
