9 Career Mistakes We Should Avoid in 2020


The process of making a successful career is itself a journey of learning from mistakes and experiences. There are many things which we learn during the process and from the experience itself. We can correct and learn from the mistakes but there are also a few mistakes we should avoid in our career.

1. Not Choosing Industry Wisely

We choose our industry on basis of the current growth of industry, trends and some real examples of success. Everyone is keen and desperate to get the first job and with a lot of enthusiasm filled, we are keen on proving ourselves. Yes, it is a fact that we are in a moment where anyone gets any job is willing to do. Although if we have clarity on our choice of the industry we prefer and have knowledge or likeliness, it will lead us to a successful career.

2. Impatient

At the beginning of a new job, there is always positive energy to finally have a platform to prove you and to get the best of the opportunity. At this point, you don’t have to be impatient and have to dedicate the time. You have to learn and there is a gradual process to success. It is not possible to have all the experience, success and expertise in few days or month. You just have to be persistent, dedicated, eager and everything but not impatient.

3. Social Loafing at Workplace

Social Loafing is the tendency to put less effort when you are working in a group. In the group performance, you deliberately put less effort to achieve a common goal. It is quite common where people are working on projects and as a team. You might be lucky enough to never get caught but it never takes you ahead.

4. Switch Industry

It is quite common to switch companies for better growth opportunities and even for a better pay-scale. You do the same thing but for a different organization. When you switch the industry, you have to learn about the industry and how it works.

It is a waste of time and efforts you invested in the last job. We enter as a beginner and we learn experience and develop skills during the process. The whole learning takes you to the next ladder of success. It will take a time to get expertise in any job you take. It will take time but eventually, you will learn the game. But if you change your industry frequently, you are a beginner again and have to start new again.

5.Years of Experience vs. Years of Learning

Years of experience and years of learning are two different things. One might have ten years of experience in a monotonous job which had less scope of learning.  Another person might have five years of experience in a job profile which had many things to learn, involving challenging tasks and being dynamic.

Continuous learning and productive experience are better than the only number of years of experience. A person who had quite a learning and developed skills don’t even have to validate his experience in terms of years. So, it is better to focus on learning than just focus on adding years to experience.

6. Long term vs. Short Term

Whether you make goals for your business or a job, you have to make it for the long term. The job satisfaction you have from the current profile may not be after a few years. We all wish to grow in terms of position, profile and money.  While making a career decision you have to be thoughtful about the long term opportunities available.

7. Not Getting Out of Comfort Zone

The enthusiasm which we had when we join starts decreasing because of various reasons. We don’t feel like pushing a bit more. You start feeling that it’s no worth whatever you do. Nobody cares and your efforts won’t count. For a fact, maybe you can stay in your comfort zone and no one would bother you too. But would you be content with the same position and money years after too? Staying in the comfort zone and not willing to more explore opportunities would hamper your career goals. We should always avoid this career mistake.

8. Not Learning from Mistakes

It is not a sin to commit a mistake but every mistake teaches you. The actual learning is during our job and which cannot be hypothetically taught to you. If you have learnt from your mistake then it is a good thing. And if you commit the same mistake again then it is carelessness. You would be marked irresponsible if you do the same mistake again and again.

9. Not listening actively

You cannot act as if you know everything. It’s good to have self-confidence but it is not at all smart thing to not listening actively. No matter you are a beginner or veteran, it is always a good thing to have inputs from associate, subordinate, seniors and even from your juniors. Everyone has their share of experience and knowledge, you can always learn or get to know something new or helpful if you actively listen.

If you have something to add in the list, kindly share in the comment section
