The Simple Act of Kindness We All Can Afford


Many of us have somewhere or some point desired to make a change or help someone struggling with their circumstances. Sometimes we all want to help but we already are so caught up that we can’t. One thing that doesn’t require much is being kind to the people around us. A simple act of kindness doesn’t require any extra effort. It might not require much to being kind but its impact is beyond any measurement. We all can afford the simple act of kindness.

What is the Size of Kindness?

There is no parameter or scale to measure the size of kindness. You can measure any donation, charity or any monetary help by the person. The size and volume of kindness cannot be calculated. Every gesture of kindness is equal and only creates positivity.

Which is the Language of Kindness?

Kindness has no language barrier. Something as simple as a smile works more than any language or any words. It doesn’t take away anything from you but a genuine smile passes like anything.

We might not be able to go out of the way to help someone but we can do a few little things which can make the world a better place. We can do so many simple things for the people around us. People we know and for the people we don’t know, we always can do things that can make a little difference to their life.


It is not a compulsion for having a fondness for animals but animal cruelty is beyond everything. We keep on hearing the horrendous and cruel acts on animals just for the sake of excitement, adventure and thrill.  They can’t fight for their cause and they deserve kindness from us.


Before they are a servant/maid/driver or any house help at our house or office, we should always remember that they are human too. Being rude unnecessarily and there is no need to make them realize that you are their boss. They know it. There is a very thick difference between servant and slave. We should always remember that. They are doing their job in the same way we are working for someone.

Don’t bargain with small vendors or street sellers

It’s not wrong to negotiate for an overpriced item but we shouldn’t bargain to someone who is just earning his meal and livelihood out of it. A cobbler, vegetable vendor, fruit seller or someone who is asking very considerate amount for his services, we shouldn’t negotiate.

Appreciate somebody’s genuine concern

Check with some friend or any loved one who is struggling. We all are busy with our lives and we discard anything that doesn’t excite. Sometimes we see and are aware but ignore someone struggling. Even if we couldn’t help them much but sometimes even listening to them can make them feel better. We always complain of not having someone when we need someone the most but for how many we were there? A phone call, a chat or a short meet when you pass by through their residence.

Offer water to the delivery boy/Postman/Door to door vendor

Sitting in our comfy zone, we order food, products and many things which we receive at our doorstep. It’s easy or not but it’s a tiring and thankless job of a delivery boy. Sometimes the person may be too hesitant to ask for but a small gesture of water with a warm thank you doesn’t cost much. Also, we are too quick to a complaint about a delayed or any inconvenience in the service but hardly took a time to appreciate where we find the person has delivered extra than it required.

Left-over food to the needy

Don’t hesitate to get the food parcel if we happen to have much leftover food while dining outs or anytime there is enough food to fight the hunger. Even if possible, if we can serve one hungry person daily or once in a week, we can make a great difference. There are millions of people who are not sure whether they will be able to manage their food at the end of the day. We don’t have to go much far looking for them, I am very sure you will find someone just miles away.

Donate unused things to the needy

We all have things that we no longer use. An old bicycle, clothes, blanket, sweat shirts, and many things that just hold space of our house. There are things which we might not be using it again and we might dump it to scrap. We can donate these things to someone who is willing to have it but cannot afford it.

People with Disability

If someone is disabled, don’t distant yourself. They don’t want your sympathy even but just being the same way as you are with other people. You don’t even require making them feel special or show pity towards them. Just remember to treat them equally as you would have treated others or the way you would have liked someone to treat you.

Offer help to an elderly person

Whenever you come across an elderly person who might require any assistance, don’t wait for their call out for help. Public transport, market or streets, and anywhere when you come across anyone struggling you can do your bit.

Somebody looking for direction

Being new to someplace, city or country, we lookout for direction and often seek help from the locals. Whenever someone seeks help to find a way or a place, we should rather help them.

Recommend someone in need of a job

If you know someone who needs a job and deserving enough to be eligible for it, recommend them. Some so many people are capable enough but do not have access to the opportunities available. You are not at a loss of any kind but you might help not only an individual but his entire family.

If you have something to add, please don’t hesitate to write in the comment section
