What is an Ideal Choice – Job or Business


We all must have once been into this discussion of what is the more appropriate thing to do. Whether it is a wise thing to do a job or to do a business. There are different opinions, viewpoints and perceptions of people towards this choice between doing a job for someone or doing your own business or being self-employed.

First of all, the concept of the ideal is a myth. It is a myth that certain things, situations, ideas or beliefs can be ideal. There is always a difference of opinion of some kind.

For one fresh graduate, getting a job that fulfils his need for money and financial security is the right thing. He might feel the risk involved in the business more than the stable job. For another fresh graduate, he might be seeing the risk but also positive about the opportunity and rewards for taking the risk.

When we talk about the choice between Job or business, there are many factors that play in between. Even there is no such thing as business always gets you more money and not the job. Also, it is not just about money, it is more about the satisfaction one gets out of it.

There cannot be one ideal thing that all can follow, but there can be a right thing for an individual which is more appropriate to them according to their skills, situation, personality and need.

It is also important to get into something which you are actually inclined to and not because somebody has a favorable outcome. If you’re willing to do business just because someone got successful in something. Also, if someone is progressing quickly into his current job doesn’t mean that everyone doing the same job would progress likewise. To have progress and be successful in the choice you make, You have to make a choice for the alternative that is more appropriate for you, suits your skills, fulfil your needs and you actually want to do it.

Factors that determine what is more appropriate in deciding the right choice: –

Depends on Individual

Identify your strengths and weakness, it will help you evaluate that what is more suitable for you. An entrepreneur might not be able to get the best results being an employee of the company. And a skilled employee may not be always become successful as an entrepreneur.

Each has its pros and cons

There is nothing wrong with being practical. You have to ensure that what would be the pros and cons of making a choice for any of the things.


What motivates you best is the right thing for you. If you don’t feel motivated being an entrepreneur and it doesn’t excite you then there are very less chances that you can become successful in it. If an atmosphere of job, financial security and less risk feels more suitable and motivates you, then it is the right thing for you. It all depends on what motivates you more.

Myth about limitations

It is a myth that there are limitations in any of the choices. You don’t have to worry about any limitations. Till the time a person is dedicated and keen on doing his best by pushing themselves, no limitations would come in between getting success.

Current needs

Your current situation and need also are important factors to decide the right thing for you. Your present circumstances, financial condition, responsibilities, and future needs play an important factor for you to decide the right thing for the present. If you’re keen on doing business but your circumstances demand you to have financial stability, you can get a job. You always have a choice to switch when you have available resources and security.

The grass is always greener on the other side

It is an old saying that grass is always greener on the other side. We always see another person in a more comfortable and better position. It might not be right always. A person doing the job might envy the freedom of an entrepreneur and an entrepreneur might envy the limited burden of a person doing the job.

Verdict: You don’t have to look for the ideal thing, you have to focus on the right thing for you to do.

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